Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Peruvian Hat Pattern

Someone on Ravelry asked me for the pattern for this hat. It was originally designed by Plymouth Yarn, I altered it for working in the round. It's easier that way, then you just weave in ends instead of sewing up seams. Plus it makes the hat more comfortable. So here it is. a 004

1 – 100g hank of Baby Alpaca Grande Main Color
1 – 100g hank of Baby Alpaca Grande Accent Color

Size 10, or those needed to achieve gauge

Gauge 14 stitches = 4” in st st on size 10 needles

Cable (CB4): Slip the next 2 sts to a cable needle and hold in back, knit the next 2 sts, knit the 2 sts from the cable needle.
M1P: Pick up the bar between the last stitch worked and the next stitch, place it on the needle and purl into the back of it to make 1 purl stitch.
M1K: Pick up the bar between the last stitch worked and the next stitch, place it on the needle and knit into the back of it to make 1 knit stitch.

Make 2 earflaps:
With size 10 needles, cast on 3 sts. PURL 1 ROW
Begin pattern:
Row 1 (RS): K1, M1P, k1, M1P, k1: 5 sts.
Row 2: P1, k1, p1, k1, p1
Row 3: K1, p1, M1K, k1, M1K, p1, k1: 7 sts
Row 4: P1, k1, p3, k1, p1
Row 5: K1, p1, k1, M1P, k1, M1P, k1, p1, k1: 9 sts
Row 6: *(P1, K1), repeat from * across, end p1
Row 7: K1, p1, k1, p1, M1K, k1, M1K, p1, k1, p1, k1: 11 sts
Row 8: (P1, K1) twice, p1, (k1, p1) twice
Row 9: K1, p1, k1, p1, k1, M1P, k1, M1P, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1: 13 sts
Row 10: *(P1, K1), repeat from * across, end p1
Row 11: K1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, M1K, k1, M1K, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1: 15 sts
Row 12: (P1, K1) 3 times, p3, (k1, p1) 3 times
Row 13: (RS) (K1, p1) 3 times, k3, (p1, k1) 3 times
Row 14: Repeat Row 12
Row 15: Repeat Row 13
Row 16: Repeat Row 12
Row 17: Repeat Row 13
Row 18: Repeat Row 12.
Cut yarn and set aside on spare needle or holder. Make a second earflap to match.

Body of Hat: Using circular needles, slip the two earflaps onto the circular needles. With RS facing, starting at center back, cast on 7 sts, pickup and purl 15 sts from 1 earflap, cast on 15 sts, pick up and purl 15 sts from the other earflap, cast on 8 sts, place marker and join. 60 sts. [Note: This is a small hat, if you have a larger head, you can add more stitches in between the earflaps, just add them equally in sets of 6]

Row 1: *(K1, p1), repeat from * until marker indicates end of round.
Repeat (Row 1) 5 more times
Set up cables:
Row 1: *(P2, k4), repeat from * until marker
Row 2: repeat row 1
Row 3: *(P2, CB4), repeat from * until marker
Row 4: Repeat Row 1
Row 5: Work Rows 1-4 until 6 cable twists total have been made, end with a Row 4.
Dec row 1: *(P2tog, k4), repeat from * until marker
Dec row 2: *(P1, k4), repeat from * until marker
Dec row 3: *(P1, slip 2 sts to cable needle, hold in back, k2 sts, k2tog from cable needle) repeat from * until marker
Dec row 4: *(P1, k3) repeat from * until marker
Dec row 5: *(P1, k1, k2tog) repeat from * until marker
Dec row 6: *(P1, k2tog) repeat from * until marker
Dec row 7: K2tog until marker

Trim: Using accent yarn, pick up four stitches at earflap end and make an I-cord. Repeat for other earflap.
Using a crochet hook, single crochet in each stitch across from one I-cord to the other, cut yarn and repeat for the other side.
Make a pom-pom for the top, and weave all ends in to finish.
Alternate to I-cord: make 2 braids: Take 5-6 yds of yarn, pull apart into 2 plies. Using 1 ply and size C crochet hook, chain 32. Turn, working into the 3rd chain from hook, work 2 DC into first chain, work 3 DC into net chain and every following chain. Fasten off and attach to earflap.

1 comment:

Jaye said...

Love those cables.