Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Irish smoked salmon chopped salad

Michael's cousins Breda and Anne made this salad when I first went to Ireland back in 1998. I still love it, and you'll see it in Cork but I never saw it on a menu in the North. Maybe it's a Cork thing, I don't know. a 003

Irish Smoked Salmon Chopped Salad

Red onion
Scallions (green onions)
Romaine lettuce (or whatever kind you like)
2 roma tomatoes
smoked salmon (Lox)
2 teaspoons of mayonnaise
white pepper

Chop up all the ingredients to equal sizes, about a quarter inch put into a big bowl and then add the mayonnaise, salt and white pepper to taste. It's good if the lettuce is a little wet from rinsing as it lightens up the mayonnaise. It's so good!

Breda and Anne didn't use avocado, but I live in California, so it's ubiquitous and I love it.

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