Saturday, January 31, 2009

Red Harvest Mittens

Red Harvest Mittens! I made these for myself. I love them. The big part where the four fingers are is a little long. Allyson tried them on and they weren't long for her at all. I guess my fingers are shorter.

The pattern is from Vogue Knitting Winter 2008. I also made a matching scarf in my own original design! I made these scarves for Mom, Leana, me, and Maricel. Only Maricel hasn't gotten hers yet, but I doubt she'll be reading my blog before I give it to her. I don't think anyone reads this blog but me and weird people phishing for money through their email scams. I got an email from someone like that after my last post. Wankers.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Brown Bobble Surface

Surface is a pattern on that is so great! I love it. The designer is Norah Gaughan. And I haven't found any errata for this sweater online so far. It's so bobbly! I love them, and they're super easy once I got what she meant for me to do.
I'm including two pictures, the finished one from the Knitty site, and my work in progress. It's of the back folded in half and the collar. I'm working on one of the fronts right now, and I'm fairly sure I'll run out of yarn before I get to the wrap, so I'll have to order some. I'm just not sure how much to order quite yet. Have to see what's left.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chamorro Knitter's Group on Ravelry!

I've been mucking about on Ravelry, loading up my projects and just moving in, you know. Getting comfy. They have a cool space to list all your books and what needles you own. It's awesome! They have groups too, and I've joined the San Francisco ones. There's even one for Biotech Knitters in the Bay Area! Isn't that cool? So, they didn't have a group for Chamorro Knitters, so I started one. I might have to wait a long while to have another person in my group. As it is, none of my knitty friends are even on Ravelry. Not even Pam! And, wouldn't everyone think Pam would be there before me? I've been a member for a long time, but it's only just now I'm digging it. LOVE it!!!!

See, when you list a project, they'll show you all the other people who have done your project too. It's like an online knitty guild. It's so fantastic, I can't even tell you how much I love it.

Zuma Giveaway on!

Oh! I so want to win this! I found this great site on Ravelry and they're having a Namaste Zuma Bag giveaway. Just go to to check out the giveaway entrance details. The store website is
It could happen. Why not to me?