Monday, October 6, 2008

My Red Bicycle

Michael gave me a bicycle for my birthday!!!! It's a red Electra Townie Commuter! I love it! It has suspension in the front and 21 gears. I actually know how to use the gears! Isn't that great? I don't know yet if McCool knows how to heel to a bike, but he's such a good boy, I'm hoping he'll love it too! There's a little cafe that's called Velo Rouge, which is French for Red Bike, I think. I'm going to ride down there today, it's not very far, just about four miles. So roundtrip it'll be about eight! The weather in the city is meant to be very good this week so I'm planning to do a lot of riding! Woo hoo! It's a great BDay present!


beth lapachet said...

yeah! mick and i will both have to get our bikes tuned up then we can meet you in the park on sundays

leana said...

I love the bike! I also love the basket. I have a plain white basket on my bike. I wish I could go biking with you! I love to go biking, but where I live, I'm the only one that likes to do that. Happy Biking!!

Jaye said...

Very cool bike. Hope you are enjoying it.